…indeed it is…@theReviewReview is in my mailbox-stocking, now in yours on the blog & Picnic FB page.
Come out and gift us with your verse this month!We have a tremendous feature in the inimitable and mighty Katrina K. Guarascio, a long time supporter of poetry in New Mexico, author of 2 great books of poetry, and host of the Smokin Slam in Rio Rancho. Katrina's contributions to the arts and the youth of New Mexico speak for themselves and her performance will be a gift to all so please come support her.We will also have the usual 3 round qualifying slam (everyone who competes earns points towards making the finals stage) and a limited open mic. Usual slam rules apply and there is no theme, BUTPoetry is a gift from one soul to another so do please come share your gifts of light with all of us. Anyone who reads a poem with a Christmas theme will get one extra point in the slam also, just for keeping the spirit alive!
Wanted to let you know that I will be the featured reader at the Adobe Walls Open Mic tonight Tuesday Dec 11 at Page One Books. The reading starts at 7 pm. This delightful series is run by Kenneth Gurney and is always a good time.
Dale Harris (PS you can still visit the Book of Cranes online)Page One Bookstore is at 11018 Montgomery Boulevard Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87111. (505) 294-2026. Support our independent bookstores - browse, buy a book while you're there. Hope you can come and share some of your poems as well!
…is an Albuquerque poet, teacher and visual artist. She has served as co-editor/publisher of The Rag since 2008. She has won numerous poetry prizes (SouthWest Writers, Writer's Digest, NMSPS, NFSPS, Prescott Writers), and been published in local and national magazines and several anthologies (Central Avenue, Writer's Digest, Sage Trail, The Rag, Harwood, Adobe Walls, Pudding Magazine, Along the Rio Grande, Fixed and Free).
…is co-founder of the Albuquerque Chapter of Poets Against War and co-editor of The Rag. Her poetry, best described as a tapestry of place and political imagination, has appeared in numerous publications including An Anthology of Monterey Bay Poets, Santa Fe Literary Review, Harwood Anthology, Malpais Review, Poetica and The Rag.
Colorful Cornucopia, Jim Harris |
East of Edith is gonna celebrate Sor Juana's birthday at the Projects (3614 High Street NE) with some extended readings of her work, plus the regular open mic and a feature by Levi Romero. This event will also be a fundraiser to help support the hero of this poetry space (and person who has offered years of literary service), Mitch Rayes.PS Sor Juana's "A su retrato" ...a single sentence
Este, que ves, engaño colorido,
que del arte ostentando los primores,
con falsos silogismos de colores
es cauteloso engaño del sentido:
éste, en quien la lisonja ha pretendido
excusar de los años los horrores,
y venciendo del tiempo los rigores,triunfar de la vejez y del olvido,
es un vano artificio del cuidado,
es una flor al viento delicada,
es un resguardo inútil para el hado:
es una necia diligencia errada,
es un afán caduco y, bien mirado,
es cadáver, es polvo, es sombra, es nada.
I am delighted to forward this announcement that Julie Brokken will be the featured poet at the Adobe Walls open mike reading, 7 pm, Tuesday, October 9, Page One, SW corner of Juan Tabo at Montgomery.
This wonderful poetry reading series takes place on the second Tuesday evening each month, and is hosted by Kenneth P. Gurney, creator and editor of the periodical Adobe Walls: an anthology of New Mexico Poetry, published approximately twice annually, beginning in 2010, with stunning cover photo of old (crumbling) adobe buildings!
I hope to see many of you there! Yours for powerful poetry, Billy Brown
Smells of baking remind me of you.....
Your red apron, my small striped one with the torn pocket.
Your soft stretched skin, fingers kneading dough
into a ball. My fat floury hands
grasped for your amber necklace,
Quick, Phoebe, the oven!
You played with flavours,
made little blobs of buttery dough on the tray
Your warm kitchen, my safe haven.
You taught me your language:
bicarbonate of soda, self-raising flour, vanilla extract,
millilitres of milk, grams of sugar:
caster, muscovado, granulated.
Now your apron hangs empty on the peg.
I wear it from time to time; mine with the torn pocket
doesn't fit anymore.
She is the class of crazy that inspires adoration.Click and read the rest of the winning poems
She stacks vices like bracelets, works herself into hysterics,
Don't give her matches she will pinch them till her fingers scorch.
I know she is gorgeous like a thunderstorm, but stop trying to hold her hand.
Her heart is too heavy for you to lift.
Her pain is impossible, you can keep wrapping your arms around her but she'll never stay upright.
Her stares are hospital corridors, passageways hiding chaos and anguish.
'No, you can't have a cigarette.'
She lost the ring that I gave her; on ardent impulse I wanted to throw her a lifebelt.
A reminder that she and I are washed up on the same shore.
Being with her is like seeing Alice drink the vial, watching herself become vast and destructive.
I cannot keep her safe; I cannot bear to watch her fold.