Dale Harris
Dale Harris, Albuquerque, formerly of Mountainair and Torreón and still connected, is a potter, a poet, book artist, spoken word performer, prolific organizer (who may not be as tireless as she often seems) of New Mexico poetry events, featured reader and facilitator at poetry festivals and workshops and published in various NM poetry venues. Dale founded Mountainair’s annual Poets & Writers Picnic in 1998, edited/published the Central Avenue monthly poetry broadsheet, is associate editor of new poetry quarterly The Malpaís Review. She enjoys performing her poetry at regional arts venues. Her poetry recordings are available on the internet at CD Baby, where her poetry CDs include Once We Were Winged, Cibola Seasons, and Like A Hummingbird.
Her poem, Manzano Sunflowers, once an Art Alley installation, has long been the Sunflower Festival signature poem.
Hello Dale Harris. This is Stephani Schaefer from Albuquerque open mic days. I'd like to send you notice of a book I edited I think you will like. Would you email me at steph@chiconet.com? I retired to northern California, why you haven't seen me around...