Onto the designated topics: conference and calendar. The conference, 3rd Annual Albuquerque Cultural Conference "Crisis, Community & Performance: Building a Resilient Society" is Friday Sept 3rd through Labor Day, Monday Sept 6th, with poets and panels. Poetry is Friday Sept 3rd @ the Kimo Theater in Albuquerque. Featured poets include Hakim Bellamy, Lisa Gill, Mary Oishi, Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, Sharon Doubiago, Demetria Martinez, Margaret Randall. Saturday and Sunday are devoted to panels (see schedule on website) @ the Harwood Art Center 1114 7th St. NW in Albuquerque.
Lisa Gill's post on Duke City Fix, In Search of Arts & Lit with an Impact like Diego Rivera, is more evocative of founder/ organizer John Crawford's presence and the spirit of the conference than the static, informative website. A Keatsian distinction. I regret missing this one as I remember John fondly from UNM Valencia and the doomed AAUP chapter (less fondly) that we involved in, both on the board. Another story for another time, perhaps even another blog.
In the meantime, Visit the Conference website for niggling details, including schedules, read Gloria Williams' informative media release at Suite 101 and then the conference blog for follow-up and continuing discussion on conference topics. I left a message suggesting the conference be blogged in progress rather than just afterwards. Check in and leave a message if you like.
Contact: c/o West End Press, P.O. Box 27334, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125; email
As for the Poets and Writers calendar... there to fill the gap for not posting as many separate event posts. I'm committed to it for the Picnic and recognize that they constitute a cultural public service, but to be perfectly honest, they aren't that interesting. I started a calendar, hopefully comprehensive, to fill that gap. I am not the only one calendar maker and draw on their efforts. Coverage is much better than it was just a few years back. I hope not to be reinventing the wheel. I'd like to include more south of Albuquerque events, workshops, reading, etc. So far I haven't added NM or out of state submission deadlines although some are noted for addition.
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