Thursday, September 17, 2009

A word from the Sunflower Writing Workshop

Dale writes:
What a lot of fun writing with everyone! I loved the work we did and will always remember "first kisses". Let's do it again, maybe next August?

This is how my edited pantoum finally settled out, from our thursday night session. FYI "empty orchestra" is what Karaoke means in Japanese, thought it was a cool image. Karin, if you like, please take it for The Rag.

Thanks to Karin Bradberry, Kate Padilla & Maureen Hightower for contributing to this pantoum!

IN THE CITY by Dale Harris

In the city, rain is rust.
Red diamonds rise at dusk.
My shoes are gone, still I walk.
A havoc of birds in the park.

Red diamonds rise at dusk.
Evening fades as evenings must.
A havoc of birds in the park.
A woman on the street alone. 

Evening fades as evenings must.
Cicadas sing and rub their wings.
A woman on the street alone.
Gas lights flicker, sway.

Cicadas sing and rub their wings.
An empty orchestra plays.
Gas lights flicker, sway.
Mischief rattles the dark.

An empty orchestra plays.
My shoes are gone, still I walk.
Mischief rattles the dark.
In the city, rain is rust

HELIOTROPIC by Elizabeth Galligan
I am sunflowered
by the glare of poets
I shine.

 Plus de Pantoum pour vous

Dancing the pantoum
“Warrior Woman Pantoum,” which takes as its structural base the Malayan pantoum poetry form (quatrains in which the second and fourth lines of a stanza repeat as the first and third lines of the next stanza, etc), investigates images and metaphors that speak to the concept of a female warrior. The dance also echoes the repetitive nature of the poetic form in the development and connection of its movement phrases that feature shifts in the dynamic spectrum ranging from softness and vulnerability to intense strength. Dedicated to Leo’s mother, the work is complemented by a score by Emory Music Department faculty member and composer Steve Everett, and is introduced by “Voice,” a poem written in response to the solo by 2007 Perugia Press First Book Award winner Lynne Thompson.

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