…@cilantroman's @LibraryCongress La Familia Theme, Oct15-Nov14, 2015
Every inch of this land is woven with migrant trails. These are pathways from family to family, country to country, and most of all heart to heart. For this month, find a trail and travel through it to a new dream. What do you see in your travels? And how do you make friends along the way? Describe for me in the language of poetry—migrate into new words, use new landscapes of images.
Welcome to La Familia, a feature of Juan Felipe Herrera’s Poet Laureate project La Casa de Colores! To contribute to La Familia, an epic poem that will run the span of Herrera’s Laureateship, please use the form below to write up to 200 characters of poetry. Only one submission during each 30-day themed period is permitted per author, and submissions for each month's theme must be received by the 14th of that month. Thank you for participating in La Familia, and we look forward to reading your contribution.